Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Jesus Who?

Because the kids' day care is at our church, they go to chapel once a week. They like chapel and I like to hear what Bible stories they hear and songs they sing. It reminds me of Sunday School and Vacation Bible School when I was young. Jake especially likes to sing Zaccheus. In case you aren't current on your Bible stories:

Zaccheus was a wee, little man
And a wee, little man was he.
He climbed up in a sycamore tree
For the Lord he wanted to see.

And as the Savior came that way
He looked up in the tree.
And he said, "Zaccheus, you come down from there."
For I'm going to your house today.
For I'm going to your house today.

This morning I told Sam I thought the song was about Jesus, so who was "the Savior" Zaccheus saw. Sam slapped his hands on his knees and said, "You know. I have NO idea."