Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Hello 2013

So, 2013. Hello. Welcome.

On this first day of the new year, let's make a deal. How about you don't throw me any curve balls, and I will use your time efficiently, productively. I will watch less TV and stop visiting gossip websites. I will take vitamins and walk. I will drink water and eat fruit. I'll make sure the kids brush their teeth twice a day. I'll put the laundry away on the same day it's folded. I'll read more, cook more. I'll try to stop picking my nails. I'll spend less money and stop worrying about the mess around the house, especially because no one sees it and no one else is bothered by it. I'll learn some songs on the ukulele, starting with Happy Birthday for Abby. When I'm frustrated I will step behind a closed door and count to one hundred, in Spanish, before saying something I'll regret. I will plan a family vacation for Spring Break. I will take the kids to the museum more. And the park. I'll talk to strangers and practice random acts of kindness.

Thank you for the opportunity and potential and promise you hold. I hope to sit here one year from now and remember you fondly.