Friday, March 01, 2013

Snips, Snails, Puppy Dog Tails and Poop, That's What Little Boys Are Made Of

(One day, many years from now, I hope my kids re-read these blog entries and have a sense of what they were like as kids. Maybe the entries will make them laugh or cry, maybe they'll even help if their own kids are crazy or silly or sometimes just plain weird. But this blog entry, this one dated March 1, 2013, is specifically for Jake. Jake, one day when your kids are driving you 'nucking futs' and you can't fathom how they got to be that crazy, please re-read this entry and then go look into a mirror.)

Yesterday I noticed an odd smear, stain, discoloration on the shower curtain. Although I didn't want to say it out loud I knew it was either blood or poop. So after I'd washed and re-hung the shower curtain I asked Sam and Jake what the stain was. And yes ... Jake had wiped his butt on the shower curtain one day when there was no toilet paper handy. To add to the lunacy of the situation, he recoiled in disgust and horror when I suggested that next time (yes, of course, there will be a next time) he use a discarded piece of paper from the garbage can. So, using a tissue from the garbage is disgusting but wiping your butt on the shower curtain is not.
