Thursday, April 27, 2006

What's Money Got To Do With It

The Romine family ate out last night.

It doesn't happen a lot anymore. Too much effort and stress. Sam's very predictable but Jake ... a wildcard.

It wasn't too bad really. There was a time when we thought it could turn; Jake either raised up underneath the table and hit his head or hit his head trying to bend down and retrieve a train. Either way, I missed it because at that precise moment I was scarfing black bean nachos like they were my last meal. (I eat like a dog who knows her food might be taken away at any minute and she might not be fed again for awhile.)

Most of the time he just wanted to run his cars along the divide between our booth and the people behind us. I don't really know why kids always want to bug the people at the next table, but coming from a mom with two kids, please just let them do it. As long as they aren't crawling under your table or throwing food at you, please just let them peekaboo at you a few times. It's not like you're getting engaged or celebrating your anniversary, not at the places we tend to patron. Just don't make eye contact and they'll soon leave you alone.

Last night we were almost finished when Sam said "Just think, if you parents didn't have Jakey and me, you wouldn't be rich!"

Well done, Sam, well done.