Thursday, July 19, 2007


So for the past week or so Jake has pooped on the potty every night. (Sorry for the lack of warning there - I just went straight into it, didn't I?)

If you knew us when Sam was potty training you would understand what a feat this is. Plus, as any parent can tell you, changing the poopy diaper of a toddler is NOT a good experience. I mean, changing any dirty diaper is not a great way to to pass the time, but changing a toddler - I might as well be changing Bryon's diaper.

But one day last week, the timing was right and he did it and now every night he gets out his little stepstool and his toilet shim, turns on the light and fan, and goes.

Sometimes he tells you he needs privacy but sometimes he wants you to sing songs about pooping (ours is more of a rap really: Outta my butt, into the potty, outta my butt, into the potty ... You get the idea.) And sometimes he wants you to sit there with him, cheer with every plop, then count the ... er 'results.' Don't get me wrong I would rather have him go in the potty, but it is really hard to act like you are having a good time while someone else pooping. You'll have to take my word for it.