Saturday, June 23, 2007

A Toys R Us Kid

Last weekend I swore I wasn't going to buy my kids another toy at least until the end of this month. My kids ask for ... and get ... a lot of toys. But, here I was this morning bribing them with a new toy if they would be good while I got groceries. The deal was made and off we went.

Sam is particularly fond of new toys. He literally jumps up and down at the prospect. Needless to say he could barely contain himself as we pulled into the Toys R Us parking lot. Under his breath he was singing a little jingle, something like "Toys R Us is the happiest place, the happiest place. A kid like me thinks Toys R Us is the happiest place."

I asked him what the happiest place for grown ups was.

"Wal-Mart," he answered. (I highly disagree.) "But for Daddies only."

"What about Mommies like me?"

"I'm afraid there is no place for old grown ups. Are you an old grown up?" Sam asked.

"Sometimes I think so," I told him.

"No, you're not. Not until your skin is wrinkled."