Tummy Troubles
Abby was futzing during the night and when I reached over to soothe her she was burning up. Not to give too much information, but she'd had a day of diarhhea, after which her teacher told me there was a stomach virus going around her school. Sure enough, after some tossing and turning, she threw up. Until the Tylenol kicked in and she got settled we rocked and swayed on the couch. Most of the morning she was in good sprits but because of the remodel and other cable problems we didn't have TV or Internet so she and I read lots of board books and she pretended I was the patient, dispensing medicine, wiping my nose, taking my temperature. It was all very calm and sweet... until I realized the thermometer she'd been practicing on me with was actually an oft-used rectal thermometer. Now I'm the one who's queasy.
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