Sunday, August 03, 2008

Leaving On a Jet Plane

This week I am taking the kids to my mom's before Sam, my sister and my nephews go back to school on the 25th. If you are going to be on a flight from Dallas to Illinois this week, this is for you:

Yes, I am flying alone with three small kids. They will probably not sit still practicing their penmanship and reading Emily Post. They are, after all, kids, and this is not a flight to La La Land. I will do my best to keep them from yelling, running in the aisle and kicking your seat. In fact I will probably be overstressed in my attempt to make everyone on the plane comfortable and not annoyed by our presence. I will have an arsenal of small toys, snacks and diversions, but at some point my bag of tricks may be empty. Please note that my tickets cost as much as yours. Hence, I am just as entitled to a spot (four spots actually) on this plane as you. Giving us the stink eye will only make things worse. If you back off, I'll relax and things will be better for us all.